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t.e. 238

t.e. 238


During Thomas'  last visit to Aldo Bakkers studio, Thomas saw the urn, made of grey quartzite, a highly concentrated hard stone from India with minimal drawing.  A design Aldo had initially created to serve as a vase. Thomas requested Aldo to continue working on the design to make it into an urn.

Urn consists of a convex cylinder standing on a kind of stage. Made in one piece, that stage or bottom is repeated as a lid.
The hard line between lid and container makes the difference between top and bottom.
The lid is made to fit closely, and combined with the weight, it stays in place.

Thomas started his label with Aldo's glass work, and as was thomas's wish, Urn is now the final piece to the collection.

Urn comes in a limited edition of 10 pieces (no. 1 was for Thomas)

size: 21 cm x 30 cm high

aldo bakker

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